Tips For Painting Your Kitchen

Posted on: 23 April 2018

A fresh coat of paint is an easy and affordable way to give any room in your home a facelift. Since most families spend a significant amount of time in the kitchen, opting to breathe new life into your kitchen with paint can be beneficial. It's important that you take the time to carefully consider the paint that you will be applying to your kitchen walls. You want to end with a finished product that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. [Read More]

How To Paint Exterior Concrete Steps

Posted on: 7 March 2018

If you have a set of concrete steps around the property or attached to the house, you don't have to leave them gray. Give the steps a fresh coat of paint to match the current décor or to make it a focal point. Painting concrete poses a slight challenge, since it is very porous, but it can be done with the right techniques. Follow these steps to paint your exterior concrete steps. [Read More]

Prevent Water Damage And Reducing Your Mobile Home's Cooling Bills By Applying Roof Coating

Posted on: 9 August 2017

Applying roof coating to your mobile home will block ultraviolet rays, reducing the effect of the sun on the temperature of your home and can prevent water from entering into your home. Since water damage is a major source of mobile home damage, and one that often goes unnoticed until it is too late, applying roof coating will help protect your investment and prevent costly water damage repair bills. Before you buy roof coating, you'll need to check the roof of your mobile home to see if water pools after a rain; it it does, you'll need to purchase a special type of roof coating in order to prevent water damage. [Read More]

How To Paint Better Lines

Posted on: 9 February 2017

Painting your home's exterior is a smart home upgrade. You don't need to be a contractor or trained expert to paint your walls and give your exterior walls a new look. But, if you want your paint job to look truly professional, you need to make sure you create straight, clean lines. There are a few ways to paint straight lines. Professionals will often freehand it because using painter's tape is not always fail proof. [Read More]