4 Reasons To Hire A Commercial Painting Company When Painting Your Restaurant

Posted on: 23 February 2023

Whether you run a retail store or restaurant, you definitely know how critical first impressions can be. The appearance of your commercial building says a lot about you. And since you would want to attract new tenants or customers and maintain the existing ones, you should ensure the commercial building is always attractive. A fresh coat of paint makes the building look more appealing. However, you must ensure it's professionally painted to get great results. [Read More]

Use Metallic Paint For An Accent Wall

Posted on: 10 January 2023

Few painting projects have the ability to transform the look of a room in your home more than an accent wall. While most people favor having soft, light colors on the majority of their walls, choosing to paint one wall in a vibrant hue can add a lively look to the room. There are lots of different ways that you can approach painting an accent wall. Most interior painting contractors have experience with this simple project, and many will even give you some paint suggestions based on where the wall is situated. [Read More]

Keys To Succeeding With Home Exterior Painting

Posted on: 7 November 2022

Painting your home's exterior a new color may be exactly what you need to feel good about its visuals again. It's a project you can succeed with and maximize for a long time to come if you take a couple of key actions. Determine Why You're Painting in the First Place You can paint your home's exterior with all sorts of colors today. So that your selection gives you satisfaction in the end, be sure to think about your reasons for painting the exterior in the first place. [Read More]

Inherited A Home? 5 Painting Tips To Make It Yours

Posted on: 23 September 2022

Do you plan to move into a home left to you by your deceased parent, grandparent, or other beloved family member? If so, you have been given a great gift. But it can be an emotional and physical challenge to turn this house from their home into your home. The right painting plan can help. How? Here are five things to consider for the best results. 1. Repaint on a Large Scale. [Read More]